Wednesday, September 28, 2011

La Salade.

Hello all you beautiful thin ladiessss!

This morning I was at 133.8! :D yesyesyes! So happy!

Today was pretty good, watched Glee, had a French test, you know, the norm. In writing class however, this guy beside me was eating that white cheddar flavoured popcorn. I don't really like popcorn but I LOVE that kind; and as I was sitting there smelling it's lovely smell, I realized why I love it.

I love that popcorn because my dad loves that popcorn! He'd always buy a bag for us to share when we'd watch a movie together and now, that popcorn reminds me of him, and it makes me happy.

That's when I found out that a lot of the foods I like are linked to certain happy memories with my family. Good to know now! That'll help me for sure in the future.

I also had my salad today and have now dedicated this post to SALAD TIPS:

First of all, here is a picture of my normal small salad from the cafeteria on campus:

So, as you can see it's a small veggie salad with an iceberg base, topped with cherry tomatoes, carrots, pickles, banana peppers, and cucumber. I usually get green pepper too but they had none today QQ. Also, I top my salad with about a tbsp of vinaigrette dressing. Unfortunately, none of the ones they offer are low-cal :(

And here are "Mint's Official Salad Tips to make sure you get the Least Amount of Calories, Sugar, and FAT, out of Your Salad, Tips":

  1. Make sure you get a small. Actually, make this your number one rule about anything you get. Less is more! And just remember, you're eating so that you don't die a fat whale, not because it'll "fill you up". Grow some balls.
  2. Try to make sure iceberg is your lettuce leaf of choice (it has 8 cal per 1 cup), however, it has no nutritional benefit (personally I don't care). If you do want nutrition though, get spinach.
  3. Cucumbers and pickles (though it may seem strange in a salad at first) are saviours! Cucumbers have 8 cal per 1/2 cup and since pickles are the same thing only salty, it has roughly the same amount.
  4. Banana peppers and jalapeños (I'm too chicken to try jalapeños) are also, AMAZING. They add flavour with their heat, and boost your metabolism! LOVELOVELOVE
  5. Oh, and go vegetarian if you're strong enough ;) it saves you a TON of calories and you don't hurt cute little animals! BUT, if you just can't do it. Go with a fish (tuna) or chicken as a topper!

Dressing a salad at home:

  • As stated below, always try to avoid a creamy dressing, and try to stick with vinaigrettes. The difference in calories is AMAZING. One tbsp of low cal Italian is only 5 cal! However, keep in mind that not all low cal options are as gracious as the amazing Italian dressing!
  • I've mentioned this before but not as an official salad tip haha but, when I make my salads at home I usually just use vinegar to dress it (red wine vinegar is the best). I skip the oil because I honestly don't notice a difference and I don't want the fat haha Try it for yourself, but stay away from sugary vinegars like balsamic!

Dressing at a restaurant:

  • First off, if you know it comes with a creamy dressing, check to see if you can have it switched to a vinaigrette!
  • If they don't have vinaigrette or you don't want to be a hassle, be less of a hassle and ask for the dressing on the side! When you get your meal, dip the fork into the dressing and then get a bite of food on top.
  • And lastly, if you reallllly don't want to be a hassle with the waiter/chef, simply try to wipe off as much of the dressing as you can to avoid extra calories!


  1. NEVER, get cheese. Like, NEVER. Just give it up. You don't notice it in a salad or anything else (minus dishes where the cheese is the main flavour) that much. And it can add 100 extra calories, easy.
  2. Don't get black olives. They may seem smart because they're pickled and all but they're loaded with FAT. Ever wonder where olive oil comes from? Yeah.
  3. If given the choice between red and green bell peppers to put on a salad, always go with green. Less sugar, and less calories.
  4. NEVER go with a creamy dressing. That's like the worst move EVER. Low cal ranch dressing has 45 cal per tbsp, and a whopping 148 cal in the original. And just a heads up, restaurants never go for low cal.
  5. Lastly, be careful with pickles and such! They are amazing, yes. But they also have LOTS of salt! So don't go crazy with them! And make sure you drink lots of water along with it!!

I know it's sort of crazy to analyze a salad so much but hey! You do what you gotta do lol I hope these tips were semi-useful though! :) And if you want any other tips about certain dishes (including meat ones) ask away! I have lots of information to share! :)

Think thin! xoxo

♥, Mint.

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